
Dream Weaver Communications Inc. would like to try to help out. For several years now we've worked with youth to produce videos that have received accolades from teens, educators, the press and numerous community and government organizations. Our videos present life and issues from a teen perspective. We all know what we shouldn't do, but as teens, we often do it anyway so we try to give the message of what you need to know to stay safe, survive and be happy. We do this through an interesting story line rather than lecturing at youth and above all we spend considerable time making sure that all of our facts are accurate.

With all of this in mind, we have scripted our fifth video in the HormonesTV series. Titled Rainbow Warriors, it will show just what being a closeted gay youth is like. It will portray the issues and realities of coming out and attempt to give gay youth and their supporters both confidence and resources to make the decisions that they have to make. This will be our first hour long full film quality production.

Check out the links on the left for more information on how you can contribute.

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The Technology

Episodes 1 through 4 of HormonesTV were shot with a single low-definition tape camera. Episode 5 will be shot in full 1080p High Definition. We now have access not only to the latest in high quality equipment, but also to a crew who have won numerous awards for their videography, editing and direction. Rainbow Warriosrs will be equal to the best videos that you now see on TV. Drop us a note if you would like to be involved behind the scenes.

Our Supporters

We would like to list your organization here as one of our supporters. We can't do this task alone, we need input and assistance from numerous organizations. Please contact Kerry Chalmers at Dream Weaver Communications Inc. if you would like to be involved. This doesn't require a financial commitment, merely a willingness to help.

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The Cast
Just because it's a video about gay youth, doesn't mean that we only need gay actors. In fact, we're going to need over 30 gay straight, male, female, youth/adults to effectively deliver the messages. Help us.

The Target Audience
We've tried to identify who this video should be for. Check out our ideas and feel free to make suggestions for changes or additions.
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The Messages
The video has to help educate just as much as it needs to entertain if it's really going to help closeted youth and their friends and families. We've talked to a lot of different individuals and groups to figure out just what was needed. Click below if you'd like to see what we have in mind and possibly make suggestions.
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Rainbow Warriors -- Living Life as a Gay or Closeted Teen

It's really difficult to grow up in todays world of high technology, absent parents, limited jobs, and exponential information growth. It's even harder if you're gay. From the moment that you start questioning your sexuality you're battling your conscience and questioning if it's really true. You wonder and worry about coming out, fearing that you'll loose your friends and possibly even your parents, You're afraid of being bullied or even beaten up. You also question the lifestyle you would be entering and the stereotypical image that the media portrays of gays. In reality you are fighting a war between what your heart, hormones and possibly even physical characteristics are telling you and what many members of society find acceptable. You are fighting the Rainbow Warrior war to be yourself.

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