Aiden The Star - played by: Taylor Hallman
A young closeted youth who is trying to sort out his feelings and figure out how to deal with them. He isn't yet ready to come out, but is experimenting with the gay world and trying to find answers, all the while attempting not to draw attention to himself. We follow him and his adventures in the rainbow community as he struggles to decide whether or not this life is for him.
Danny The Crush - played by: Keigan Buffett
The daily answer to all of Aiden's questions, problems and desires, Danny eventually becomes the target of his affections and the subject of his dreams and fantasies. He is the popular gay youth, confident in his sexuality, good looking and loving attention yet at the same time caring and compassionate. Party boy, cuddler and confident, Danny becomes the key to Aiden's transition.
Justine The Trans Youth - played by: Ember Jane Vail
An online friend who is Aiden's first brush with the rainbow community, Justine awakens him to what it's really like to be gay. Her candid pass at Aiden initiates his verbal outcries of "I'm not gay!" while reinforcing his internal questioning of "could I be". A staunch supporter of "you are how you are" and "there's nothing wrong with being gay" Justine gives Aiden a new perspective on alternate sexualities.
Emma The Best Friend - played by: Taylor Kelly
Aiden's confident. An unshakable young woman who has always been there for him, supportive and understanding, even when he hints that he thinks he is gay. Willing to go out on a limb for her friend, if that's what it takes to make him happy, Emma helps him through the questioning, uncertainty, experimentation, and stress along his road to coming out ad a gay youth.
Frank The Homophobic Bully - played by: Scott Norris
Initially a friend and later the source of Aiden's daily problems, Frank likes to pick on anyone smaller than him and definitely has a issue with gay students. He thrives on making gay jokes and makes sure he and his band of followers publicly put down anyone who might belong to the rainbow community. The homophobe and bully that everyone knows, Frank makes Aiden's life really uncomfortable.
Secondary Cast
Mr. Greg played by Greg Taylor - Out to cure homosexuals by night and tormenting Frank and his buddies by day. Mr. Greg proves to be both the perfect villan while ironically acting as a strong supporter and his quest for sexual understanding.
Ethan - played by: Nick Surges -Loses friends and family when he comes out and ends up on the street selling himself for drugs, and a bed to sleep in. Fights depression, and suicide.
Seth - played by: Jacob Atkinson - Kicked out by parents but taken in by friends and community agencies he lands on his feet and befriends Ethan who wasn't so lucky.
Jayden - played by: Patrick Mercurio - A slightly off-the-wall gay male who can't keep his hands off of Noah and loves to dance at a moment's notice.
Noah - played by: Calvin Cunill - A slightly off-the-wall gay male who can't keep his hands off of Jayden and loves to dance at a moment's notice.
Yuri - played by: Bryan Larocque - The local hair dresser and Justines's party date. The ideal person to gossip with about what's going on in the world.
Mia - played by: Zoe Robertson - One of three sexually forward girls who are all over Aiden even though he fights their sexual and verbal advances.
Michelle -played by: Zoe Robertson - Butch lesbian looking to hook up with any cute straight chick she can find.
Kate- played by: Jasmine Silver - A lipstick lesbian, every detail of her wardrobe is perfect and her parents support her in her sexual choices.
Jim - played by: Joshua Dannenberg - A closeted little grade niner who is only out to a few close friends. He is the target of Frank's abuse, and later the supporter of Aiden.
Kyle - played by: Dakoda Lalonde - A closeted bisexual grade 9/10 youth at school with a girlfriend, and a gay youth in the shadows, he is playing both sides of the street. He is the target of Frank's abuse, a friend to Jim and later the supporter of Aiden.
Dylan - played by: Chris McKay - An outgoing gay teen playfully described by Aiden as "a bear who likes whips, leather pants, and bondage".
Josh - played by: Earl Carriere - Frank's bully sidekick, following him around like a little puppy dog he's always ready to cheer him on and join in.
Alex - played by: Alec Albert - A straight youth who helps Aiden when Frank and his friends try to beat him up.
Mrs. M - played by: Heather Mullin - The school social worker, trying to figure Aiden out, providing a supporting reference and helping him to experiment with his gay side, she opens the door to his coming out.
Aiden's Dad - played by: David Hallman - Unfazed by Aiden's sudden sexual revelations, his somewhat hen-pecked dad
Aiden's Mom - played by: Marie-Claire Thauvette - . Trying to find the perfect girl for him yet there for him as he explores his sexuality.
We managed to assemble an amazing cast of both straight and queer youth and adults for the movie. Everyone should be congratulated for giving of their time freely, feeling that this was an important issue to support.
2013 Pride Week Toronto
Mad Scientist's Lab
Classroom Antics
Youth Group
School Bullies
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